Monday, December 23, 2019

Gmo Persuasive - 2144 Words

A GMO is an organism whose genetic makeup is changed by humans. A genetically modified organism (GMO) is a plant, animal or microorganism whose genetic code has been altered, subtracted, or added (either from the same species or a different species) in order to give it characteristics that it does not have normally. A GMO is created when DNA from one organism is combined with another organism’s DNA to make one molecule. Scientists do this by cutting and joining DNA from different sources. This forms a new set of genes. They then transfer it into the organism so it has the modified genes. (, 11/30/09) With genetic engineering they can make bigger and more nutritious fruit and vegetables. Human embryos can be†¦show more content†¦Scientists can use viruses for delivering genes into your body. They disable the part of the virus that makes you sick and replace it with the healthy gene which then gets delivered to where it needs to go. (Ron Fridell, 12/1/09, p.30) Scientists have genetically modified animals as well in many ways which help produce a lot more food. Catfish have been modified so they grow all year round instead of just in the summer. By this happening farmers can breed and sell more catfish in a shorter amount of time. (Ron Fridell, 12/1/0 9, p.21). Also salmon have been engineered so they grow a lot larger than normal to provide more meat. These transgenic salmon create a lot more meat in the time normal salmon create less meat. Also there are cows that have been engineered so that they make several different kinds of milk. They can produce milk that is more easily digested by people who are lactose intolerant and milk with a longer shelf life. Also scientists can engineer cows that produce milk with a lower amount of fat so that it makes better cheese. This helps provide more food because people who where not previously able to drink milk now can and it also lasts longer as it will not spoil as quickly as normal milk. ( php?id=386, 12/1/09). Scientists have also found a way to save money and protect crops at the same time. Because pesticides cost a lot to buy and it takes time to spray theShow MoreRelatedPersuasive Speech About Gmo984 Words   |  4 PagesOf all the topics I can choose for my persuasive speech, the purpose why I chose â€Å"GMOs should be banned in Philippines† is because I want all of us to be aware what GMOs are and why GMOs should be banned. So first of, what are GMOs? GMOs or Genetically Modified Organisms is simply known as the transfer of genes. 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